Thanks to a very substantial donation to add to the money we have raised we are now able to start work on our BIG BUILD!
Because of this we will remain closed until September.
The plan is to extend the front of the hall and incorporate new toilets, including one for the disabled, a baby change area, a proper kitchen, and lots of storage. We still need to fund the actual toilets, kitchen units and equipment as well as the decorating.
We are about to run a Crowdfunding campaign during May, more details of that will follow here and on our Facebook page shortly, so please come back and take a look.
- Annual General MeetingThe AGM of the Memorial Hall will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday 23 October 2023. All welcome! Please click title to find out more!
- Ninfield Village MarketSaturday 16th September 2023 Fresh Produce including: Fresh fruit and vegetables Meat, eggs, bread and much, much more!
- Summer Show, Saturday 19 August 2023Enjoy a delightful afternoon at Ninfield Horticultural Society’s Annual Summer show. Opening times: 2:30-5:00 p.m. Adult admission £1, accompanied children FREE.
- NEW SUMMER EVENT!Summer Evening Market, Saturday 17th June 2023, 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Market Stalls, Live Music, Food and CASH BAR. Lovely sparkling Summer evening.. relax, enjoy and chill out!
- NINFIELD VILLAGE MEMORIAL HALL NEEDS YOUR HELPNINFIELD VILLAGE MEMORIAL HALL NEEDS YOUR HELP My history, I was built about 1862 so I am almost 120 years old. I started life as a Drill Hall, with lots of local lads training … Continue reading NINFIELD VILLAGE MEMORIAL HALL NEEDS YOUR HELP